President’s Message

Updates from the desk of PPC President Iris Thomas


PPC Members,

It is a great honor to be serving as your PPC President. I am proud of the organization’s success under Steve Estok and I am hoping to continue that success.

Thank you to the Board of Directors, Brenda Baker and her team, the committees that work hard all year to make this a success and to our sponsors who allow us to offer more benefits to our members.

Welcome to our new members. We hope to see you again and encourage you to become more involved in the organization.

2024 was amazing. We had record attendance at the Spring Meeting in Tampa as well as a very successful trade show.

The Fall Meeting in San Diego was action-packed. We started with our Board Meeting and Committee meetings on Saturday, followed by a great networking reception. Sunday had golfers out on the course, PPC Women at Brunch, and kayakers out on the water followed by a networking reception.

Monday and Tuesday were more than full with an excellent Keynote, informative technical meetings, Jeff Leiter’s legislative update, PPC College, and Speed Networking.

And then the closing banquet! If you weren’t there, there were dueling pianos, donuts to dip, dancing, and karaoke.

We are really looking forward to 2025 as it is our 75th Anniversary year and there will be many special events.

We are already hard at work on the next two meetings in 2025…March 9th-11th at the San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk and August 24th-26th at the Westin Denver Downtown.

I am always available to discuss how we can strengthen and improve the PPC. See you in San Antonio!

Best Regards,
Iris Thomas, PPC President
CDF Corporation

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1519 Via Tulipan, San Clemente, CA 92673
Tel: 949-369-7102

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Petroleum Packaging Council